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Fungi Connect -
Information for organisers

Purpose of Fungi Connect:

  • To help young people up to age 18 understand the role of fungi in the environment and biodiversity.

  • To encourage cross-curricular links between Arts, Science, English, Music, History (or any other!) departments.

  • To encourage young people to become inspired by the fungi around them so they submit creative or scientific pieces of work.

Who can take part:

Any group consisting of young people up to the age of 18 years, for example: Schools; Scouts and Girl Guide groups; Science or STEM clubs; family and friends. The group is the participating ‘Team’ and contributions are made by individual young people within that Team.

Individuals can also sign up to take part as a 'Team' of one, or they can get together with other young people to form their own Team.

How to enter and getting started:

Groups (or individuals) sign up via our form, giving the following information: 

•    The group name and address. (If it's an individual participant or an informal group, enter an individual or group name and address of the main contact.)
•    Contact person.
•    Email address.
•    Team name (if different to the group’s name).
•    Social media details for the group. (So that the Team can be tagged in posts about their contributions.)


Once the form is received, the Team will be sent an email confirmation, and asked that all entrants use the Team’s name when uploading their contributions. 


The Team will be sent 2 posters and a flyer by post (no stock left but these will be sent by email), so you can let your school/group know you are taking part, and for team members to write their names when they’ve made a contribution.

What can team members submit:

Individual members of the Team can submit pieces of work from any discipline. The 5 teams who send us more than 10 items by 10 members or more will receive a prize. Some ideas of what individuals can send us are on the Fungi Connect page.

How to submit:

Via this website, here. Each person submitting a piece of work will need to give permission for us to share it online and on social media.

Key dates and deadlines:

This activity forms part of UK Fungus Day, an annual celebration of our fungal world, which is taking place on 5 October 2024. 

Contributions can be sent at any time leading up to UK Fungus Day, with 1 October 2024 as the latest date for us to include it on our website and share via social media.

Note for school Teams:

Schools should enter as one Team, rather than individual classes, because 1) form classes will change in September and 2) this is an interdisciplinary activity so work can come from various departments within the school. The school as a whole should be the Team.

Recognition for those submitting work:

We will aim to display all entries on this website and highlight the contributions via our social media channels. 

Rewards for Teams taking part:

The 5 most productive Teams sending us 10 or more submissions (by 10 or more members) will receive a mushroom growing kit and £25 book vouchers from Summerfield Books for the team as a whole, as well as a listing on the website and work from their team highlighted on social media. We aim to highlight all work submitted, and all Teams taking part, regardless of the number of pieces of work received. IMPORTANT: Each person sending a piece of work must list the Team they belong to so the pieces can be counted correctly.

Work will be celebrated and shared with a broad online audience, including here on this website, as part of UK Fungus Day, 5 October 2024, and 5 schools/groups that send more than 10 pieces of fungus-inspired work will be rewarded for taking part!

Through UK Fungus Day, the British Mycological Society shares the importance of fungi to our lives and aims to inspire others to help preserve our native fungi and improve our scientific knowledge of these unique and remarkable organisms.

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Observing, collecting and growing fungi

The British Mycological Society is a scientific society supporting fungal research and conservation, and highlighting the fundamental importance fungi in the world's ecosystems.

Read our Code of Conduct for the responsible collection of fungi for research and education, and growing fungi at home.

Contact us:

British Mycological Society

Registered charity no. 276503


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